Intelligent Healthcare Analytics and AI in Pharma

We Create Solutions for Better Patients Outcomes and Efficiency.

Areas of Expertise

Unlocking the power of AI for healthcare and pharmaceutical organizations.

Predictive Analytics & Healthcare Delivery Enhancement

Meet unique patients’ needs and enhance healthcare delivery with stellar predictive analytics solutions.

Diagnostics can be easier with big data analysis and machine learning. Use our ML-based predictive models for the automatic detection of anomalies in patient clinical data. Analyze the results to adjust the intended treatment plan and navigate medicine risks like adverse reactions and medication side effects.

Prevent chronic diseases and improve patient outcomes. Analyzing patient-generated data, you can predict disorders like diabetes or heart disease. Predictive analytics tools will help you identify high-risk patients and predict their future outcomes. Make personalized predictions and treatment plans reducing the risk for hospitalization.

OCR & Healthcare Business Processes Optimization

Tired of managing paper documents? Make a smooth transition from paper to digital with our custom OCR solutions. Optimize healthcare business processes through data capture, retrieval, and extraction. With OCR solutions it’s easy to digitize all kinds of healthcare documents including patients’ records, prescriptions, claims, reports, invoices, etc.

Allow automatic data entry and smooth health data transfer between organizations. Deploy bespoke OCR software into your hospital for laborious tasks to save time and money.

Develop an AI pharma EHR for smooth clinical predictions and analytics. Allow for smart workload forecasting and resource management, medication demand. Get insights to promote better patient outcomes with artificial intelligence in pharmacy.

NLP for Personalised Care

Analyze medical documents to predict conditions. Use NLP to extract data from clinical documents for intelligent diagnostics.

Get to know your clients better with NLP API software. Find out who your target audience is–age, gender, interests, specifics, etc. Use the data to better market yourself, keep old customers, and attract new ones.

Analyze comments on social media about customer experiences to see how they rate your services. Score comments into people, places, and services to see if your patients are happy with your brand or there’s room for development. Use the insights to improve the overall quality of services and care.

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Сomputer Vision for Customer Services Improvement

Want to better market your hospital but afraid of being salesy? Impress your patients with Face Recognition Greeting Tool. Recognize and greet patients by the name as soon as they enter the hospital.

Integrating our tool into your infrastructure, you’ll deliver great customer service and boost patient retention and referrals with ease.

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Сomputer Vision for Medical Image Analysis

Detect and identify diseases with medical image analysis powered by Machine Learning. Get meaningful data insights for on-time anomaly detection and early disease intervention based on clinical imaging. As a result, streamline the workflow of the radiologists and get better patient outcomes.

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Computer Vision for Physical Therapy Transformation

Transform physical therapy with AI health solutions like pose estimation. Implement pose estimation models into your app to track, estimate and provide therapeutic feedback on patient joints and posture in real time. Bring guidance on doing the exercising and motivation to carry on. Check the progress of the patient over the course to navigate treatment protocol.

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Сomputer Vision for Authentication Procedures

Today there is a growing demand for different types of personnel authentication tools & technologies for both online and in physical systems.

With our robust computer vision algorithms , it’s easy to collect and store facial data. Use the data to verify personnel and provide or ban access to certain areas.

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Uncover insights from advanced real-world evidence across the whole pharma value chain to inform R&D decisions and improve trial design, achieve better patient access, implement smart targeting and data-driven commercial activities, as well as improve pharmacovigilance to be able to respond promptly to adverse events and unmet patient needs.

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Implement artificial intelligence in pharmacy in a safe and controlled way with AI. Use custom NLP solutions for data mining and analysis including smart collection, labeling pharma studies, highlighting relevant information to your queries, and enhancing modeling.

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Uncover opportunities in drug development with AI. Produce drug-like molecules, optimize for binding affinity to your protein target, choose most chemically promising leads for further validation using generative modeling, reinforcement learning, and evolutionary algorithms.

Improve your QSAR prediction of ADMET сompound properties with Graph Networks, it’s easy to approximate ADMET properties from the 3D compound structure or SMILES-like molecular representations.

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Want to make cell analysis easier? Implement automated image capture and analysis for cell imaging. With that, you’ll detect anomalous tissues, segment various types of cells, detect cancerous tissues, and what is the effect of a drug.

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With custom Big Data solutions, you can easily manage the wealth of data. Gather, store, transit and extract data in a click. Use emerging pharma tech to run analytics and machine learning models with ease. Get the most of data analytics to ensure the success of your pharma company.